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Panui & Opportunities
On this page notices for the trusts will be uploaded from time to time. If you would like to receive panui ki te iwi please email by clicking her email address. Otherwise view or click on links below that may help you keep informed.
To help us keep in touch with you, please contact the secretary with you updated mobile, email and postal address so we can keep in touch with you.  

Update 1 August 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

The new trustees were sworn in at a Maori Land Court Hearing on 1 August 2024. We are pleased to inform you that the new trustees have met and are looking forward to new and wonderful aspirations going into the future. 

Update 27 April 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Maori Land Court are so far behind in processing their applications. The new elected trustees have not been sworn in, so until that happens, the old Trustees are still in. Tertiary Grants are now available. To apply click on the land block you affiliate to Ohiti or Ngatarawa or apply for both. 

Update 6 March 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

The current Trustees have met with the Apatu's regarding owners who are coming onto the leased whenua without permission. Asking the Farmer who is working the land, is not the right way of access to the whenua. All owners must request permission to enter the land either through contacting the Apatus, or Timoti Gemmell who is the contact on behalf of the Trustees. Whānau, please do not go onto the whenua without permission. 

Update 20 February 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

The applications were safely submitted to the Māori Land Court for registering through the Court. We have been told that there is a slow turnaround of applications due to several issues out of our control, however, the Māori Land Court Administrators are doing their best to deal with the backlog of applications being submitted to the court. At this stage, priority is being given to Cyclone Gabrielle's affected whānau. 

Update 1 January 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Thank you for attending the AGM's on Saturday 2 December 2023 held at Korongata Marae, Bridge Pa. We had a good turnout of landowners come along and participate in the hui and a very successful election of new trustees took place. However, the new trustees are not effective until they are sworn in at a court hearing at the Māori Land Court. Until then, the current trustees remain liable and will govern the affairs of the Ngatarawa Lands Trust and the Ohiti Waitio 1E3A Ahu Whenua Trust. Draft minutes and applications will be submitted to the Māori Land Court promptly.  

Update 28 November 2023


Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Our Trust AGMs are coming up on Saturday 2 December. We have received a number of inquiries about the elections coming up. All nomination and proxy forms are available from this website. If you have any questions at all, please contact Ruth Wong for information. Link here for information


Update 20 September 2023


Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

The Trustees met on Sunday 10 September 2023, The Trust is holding an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 2 December 2023, 10am at Korongata Marae, Bridge Pa, Hastings, in conjunction with the election of Trust members. All four Trustees will be resigning at this AGM. The Nomination forms will be out soon. If you are interested in putting your name forward, please click here to view the full agenda for both Trust AGM's and more information about the Election. A number of events have taken place over the past two years that have been noted in this website page. Read all the information to be better informed. 

Update 10 September 2023


Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Today the Trustees met. We received legal documentation for the MLC Judge to proceed with the AGM Election in December. For this purpose the trustees have updated this website and will get information out as soon as possible.  

Update 17 June 2023


Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau, Dividend payments for Ohiti and Ngatarawa have now been processed. Please stay safe and warm during these Winter months. 

The Trustees have processed the 2023 Tertiary Grants and we are pleased to announce our successful recipients. Click here to view.  

Please note - while the land is being leased out, we cannot enter the property without permission of the Leasee. This applies to any part of the land including the Urupa. Trustees will not be liable for owners who go onto the land without permission. The hills are slippery and dangerous. 

Ngā mihi


Update: 5 June 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau, 

Today some members of the Ngatarawa and Ohiti Ahuwhenua Trust arrived at the Special General Meeting ready to participate in today's hui, but unfortunately, we did not have enough beneficial owners in attendance to make a quorum. The Chair, Kathleen Kireka announced (as per the Trust Order) that we would wait for one hour till 11am to give the owners a chance to arrive. In the meantime, we had a mihi whakatau, karakia, then a cuppa tea and an informal discussion until 11am. It was good to hear some of the korero that was shared. At 11.15am we had a karakia and the gathering was closed. 

The Trustees met and agreed to hold both AGMs and an Election for the Trust on Saturday 2 December 2023. More information will be sent out in due course, with clear instructions of the re-run of an election using the current Trust Order.


The Trustees tried to give the land owners an update today, however, due to the meeting being inquorate, we have proposed to hold an AGM/Election in December using the current Trust order. The Trust lawyer Cara Bennett will take this update to the Maori Land Court Judge. 


A notice will come out as soon as possible with the updated information, date, time and venue of the AGM/Election 2023. 

Update: 12 May 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau, 

We are holding a Special General Meeting for both trusts to give a status update of both Trusts and to adopt the Trust Order variations which outline the process for elections. This updated information aligns with the current legislative references in the current Trust Order, however, these changes make it easier for owners to follow.

As outlined in the Agenda which is the same for both Trusts, our Trustee Chair will give a brief Chairs Report followed by an extensive status quo report from our Legal Advisors indicating the reasons we have come to this point. 

  • The Trust Order updates will be presented and explained. 

  • A date for the AGM/Elections will be set.

  • After the SGM notices will go out with the date of the AGM/Election along with an Election pack for those wanting to stand for the Trustee positions. 

It is important that we involve as many owners as possible in our up-and-coming hui. 

Ngā mihi, Kathleen Kireka, Olivia Thompson, Timoti Gemmell, Ruth Wong

HE PĀNUI -1 Dec 2022

Tēnā koutou katoa land owners,


The Trustees are pleased to announce that a short-term lease (3year) for the Ngatarawa Land Blocks was signed off in March 2022. Trustees are aware that landowners moved a motion at the 2021 AGM to wānanga about options for the Ngatarawa land before signing, however, it was agreed by the trustees that a short-term lease be signed off to allow landowners to receive their dividend payments whilst we discuss future aspirations for the land. The new lease is viewable on this website. Click here for more information. 


On 4 December 2021 in conjunction with the AGM, we held the triennial election of new trustees. The election process followed the Trust Deed and was sanctioned by our legal authority prior to communicating out. Following the AGM/election a handful of owners were not happy with the election process and wanted an explanation as to why some parts of the election process were not explained more clearly. They were not satisfied with the answer and chose to take the matter to a Judicial Hearing in April 2022. This held up the process of submitting the MLC application for new trustees. At the hearing, the judge listened to the applicants and also gave the Trustees an opportunity to speak. He was satisfied with the process and suggested submitting the application for new trustees. 

The issues that were raised above were directed to the former/current trustees by way of minutes of that judicial hearing. These minutes were received in June 2021. The Trustees took the matter to its legal advisers and after a robust discussion, the Trustees agreed that although the election process was followed and we had no reason to doubt our process, the Trustees suggested to the MLC judge that we were willing for the process to take place again but for the election to be fully facilitated by the MLC. The application for the Dec 2021 Election and new trustees was submitted with that suggestion, to the MLC judge. Trustees suggested that if the judge felt uneasy with our gesture, he could accept our new trustee's application. This matter stayed with the MLC for sometime. 

In the meantime, a separate group of owners have sent concerns to the Trustees. A written injunction was sent to some, not all trustees from one of the owners with concerns. The Trustees have taken the injunction to our legal advisor who is working through the matters with the MLC. 

As Trustees, we continue to keep this website updated and hope that whānau continue to be engaged through this platform.  


Now that the Land Leases are locked in, dividend payments are also back into swing – ie. two payments per year (Jun-July and Dec-Jan). All owners are required to include their Dividends from the Ohiti and Ngatarawa Trusts in their Tax Returns every year subject to the following:


  • You are required to file a Tax Return IF they receive any income over and above their Wages, National Super, or receive Interest and/or Dividends, in excess of $200pa.

  • The dividends from the Trusts have a Resident Withholding Tax Credit attached that you can claim against your total Tax Liability.

  • In order to calculate this amount, divide the amount received by .825, this will give you the Gross Dividend. Multiply this amount by .175 this will give you the RWHT figure.

  • To check your calculations:  Gross less RWHT = Nett amount received.

  • You need to return the Gross figure as Income and claim the RWHT as a Tax Deduction.

  • Full dividend payments commenced in July 2022. If you are an owner and you were not paid, chances are we do not have your correct or current information.

  • If you need help, please send your email to the secretary and writer of this update - Ruth Wong

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa, Noho ora mai, 

The Trustees

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These photo's were taken at the December 2021 AGM Hui held at Camberley, Hastings

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