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At our 2018 AGM held on 8 December at the Heretaunga Taiwhenua, the new trustees made a commitment to finding all owners and putting together an information pack for whānau to see a step by step process to prepare to receive unclaimed monies. What we have discovered is that when whānau do go through this process of succession, the Māori Land Court do not notify the trust. Therefore, whānau have a responsibility to contact us to update details as well. Alternatively the Māori Land Court information they have is not always the most updated. We have had discussions with Inland Revenue and the Māori Land Court to find out how we can improve the system. The most success we have had is when we approach whānau who know other whānau members, otherwise it's a very difficult task.
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There are a number of land owners listed with Ngatarawa Ahu Whenua Trusts. These lists are ever changing as whanau unite into whanau trusts or break into individual owners. The owners list is always being updated. You can upload owners lists by contacting the Maori Land Court or by going to their website.
Unclaimed Monies
From time to time the Trustees should seek a list of unregistered owners. Unregistered owners are land owners who we do not have correct information for. The information required includes full contact information, a valid bank account and IRD number for the listed land owner. Once registered, we can adminster on their behalf.
Other Owner Benefits
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